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How Long Does IGET XXL Last?

Is the IGET XXL not durable for such a great price? Have any of you used this device? Can you leave a comment below about its lifespan?

Best Answered by

Picture of James M Mannino
James M Mannino

Answered on February 23, 2024

The IGET XXL is a disposable vape that holds 1800 puffs and normally lasts 4 to 8 days.

However, this is just an estimate. We have to analyze its e-liquid capacity, battery capacity, and your usage habits specifically.

The larger the capacity of the liquid and battery, the longer the device will last. Their relationship is positively correlated.

Meanwhile, based on our experience and user feedback, we found that there is a close relationship between the strength and frequency of daily vaping and the lifespan of IGET XXL.

When we vape too deeply and too often, the consumption rate of the liquid speeds up simultaneously.

For example, when our single puffs last longer than 3 to 5 seconds each time, the IGET XXL, which could originally take 1800 puffs, now takes only 900 puffs. The puff count is directly cut in half.

However, if you are a normal vaper and maintain a frequency of 200 to 250 puffs per day, it is able to last for a week.

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