WARNING: Products on this website contain nicotine and are 18+ age-restricted.

What Are Nicotine Pouches

What Are Nicotine Pouches?

Nicotine pouches are popular, but I don’t know much about them. What are they?

Is your IGET Legend not working

Why You IGET Legend Not Working? 7 Key Factors

As a vaping expert for five years, I have simple solutions to help you troubleshoot problems like IGET Legend not working or flashing lights during use.

How To Open IGET B5000

How To Open IGET B5000?

My IGET B5000 won’t charge, I suspect something is wrong with its internals, is there a simple way to open it?

How Much Nicotine In IGET Bar Plus Pod

How Much Nicotine In IGET Bar Plus Pod?

Hi guys! I’ve noticed my IGET Bar Plus Pod don’t actually specify nicotine content in it, am I being ripped off? I just want someone to tell me nicotine concentration or how I can check it. Thank you!

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